
16 iulie, 2024

current account deficit

Net costs for the state with holiday vouchers for public sector employees and the VAT cut for tourism will amount to RON 1,878 million in 2019 (about EUR 395 million). The Ministry of Tourism has an investment budget...
15 octombrie, 2019
Analysts’ scenarios on the evolution of the exchange rate are rather prudent for the coming months, but severe for the beginning of the next year and later when the RON/euro rate could even reach 4.85. Erste & BCR...
10 iunie, 2019
Romania is clearly distinguishing itself within the EU in terms of current account deficit evolution, with the second highest current account deficit in 2017 and a steady upward trend since 2014, according to data updated by Eurostat in...
28 ianuarie, 2019
The first estimate of the economic growth in Romania in the third quarter shows a reduction down to 3.5% (year-on-year), after the previous quarter’s Gross Domestic Product hardly managed to stabilize its speed to 4%. Estimates of Capital...
29 octombrie, 2018
Romania’s economy could grow by 5.1% in 2018, according to the World Bank summer forecast. The estimate has been improved by 0.6 percentage points above the rate forecasted in January on the occasion of the publication of June...
11 iunie, 2018
The current account of the balance of payments recorded a deficit of EUR 6.464 billion last year, 85% higher than in 2016. The minus registered in the goods segment has widened by almost 30% and has reached over...
18 februarie, 2018
Next, we will analyse Romania’s position from the point of view of the current account deficit, in a European context and then in a global one. Our analysis is based on data from the World Economic Outlook publication,...
17 iulie, 2017
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has revised its estimates for the Romanian economy growth to 4.2% from 3.8% – previous estimate for this year, and to 3.4% for 2018, from 3.5%, according to the latest global economic outlook...
23 aprilie, 2017


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