
27 iulie, 2024


The imminent future of the economies of Central and Eastern Europe, the end of the tunnel for the Covid crisis, Eastern convergence – how does a Polish expert see the medium-term development of emerging EU states and what...
4 ianuarie, 2021
Both public and companies’ long-term investments halved in 2018 compared to 2009. This is proof that without state investments, the private sector does not have investment resources and if it has them, it does not have the confidence...
26 august, 2019
Romanian leu has depreciated against the euro in the past year by less than two percent, as an annual average, a similar value to the US dollar and much lower than the pound (the latter affected by the...
29 ianuarie, 2018
The concentration of the economic activity in increasingly fewer large companies, their distribution in the territory and the capitalization problems of most Romanian firms are all Romania’s vulnerabilities to external shocks and competition. Analysts’ warnings, supported by worrying...
2 octombrie, 2017
Romania scored at the end of the first quarter of 2017 not only the highest economic growth among the EU countries (5.7% gross and 5.6% adjusted by Eurostat to ensure the comparability with other states) but also the...
29 mai, 2017
In the context of the significant drop in energy prices, our decision makers have been hesitant to act on that and from the position where we had by far the lowest price of natural gas for industry of...
24 noiembrie, 2016


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