
16 iulie, 2024

budget amendment

Although gross fixed capital formation had a surprising positive contribution to the economic growth in the first part of the year, members of the National Bank of Romania’s Board of Directors (BNR) are reluctant about the investment’s rebound,...
15 iulie, 2019
Despite the assurances that Dancila government is concerned and intensely working on the road infrastructure projects, at the budget amendment the Transport Ministry has cut the amount allocated to major investments in 2018 or not allocated any penny...
17 septembrie, 2018
The Fiscal Council announced on Wednesday, the day when the Government adopted the draft budget amendment without the opinion from CSAT, that it considers the proposed increase in the VAT revenues included in the updated budget amendment (solely...
9 septembrie, 2018
President Klaus Iohannis suspended on Tuesday the CSAT meeting for discussing the budget amendment, as there was no consensus on the budgets of institutions from the security areas. This is a premiere in the history of the CSAT,...
9 septembrie, 2018
The second budget amendment this year has been adopted at the government meeting on Wednesday. As the Finance Minister assures, this amendment is „positive”, the same as the first one, and followed the objective of “maintaining within the...
20 noiembrie, 2017
The situation of the salary rights in the Ministry of National Defence was the one that officially caused the resignation of Minister Adrian Tutuianu. Blocked in the controversy of financial resources available for paying the military wages, various...
17 septembrie, 2017
The consolidated general budget recorded a deficit of ROL 5.14 billion at the end of the first seven months of 2017, equivalent to 0.63% of the GDP estimated for the current year. The result is well below the...
11 septembrie, 2017
The deficit of the Nc (FNUASS) reached a record high of ROL 1.564 billion at the end of July, according to the budget implementation in the first seven months. Not because the amounts collected in the main revenue...
11 septembrie, 2017


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