
16 iulie, 2024

black sea gas

Romgaz (SNG) will submit an offer to take over ExxonMobil’s participation in the concession for the exploitation of natural gas from Neptun Deep perimeter in the Black Sea, before the expiration of the current two-month term of the...
28 februarie, 2021
Offshore perimeters in the Black Sea The Ministry of Economy would be satisfied if the exploitation of natural gas in Neptun Deep perimeter in the Black Sea would start even in 2025, according to a statement of the...
8 noiembrie, 2020
(BSOG) şi partenerii săi au anunțat că au aprobat decizia finală de investiții în proiectului Midia Gas Development Project (MGD), în valoare de 400 de milioane de dolari, de exploatare a gazelor naturale din Marea Neagră. Anunțul vine...
7 februarie, 2019
The Energy Ministry announced on Friday that it gives the green light to the Black Sea oil projects. So far, no oil company has announced that it has made a final decision to invest in the Black Sea....
4 februarie, 2019
The Ministry of Energy issued for Transgaz the construction permit for the consolidation of the transport system between Onesti (Bacau) and Isaccea (Tulcea) and for the capacity to reverse the gas flow on Isaccea-Negru Voda pipeline, according to...
11 iunie, 2018


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