
16 iulie, 2024


Romania announced its intention to join the Eurozone in 2024. Adoption of the single European currency is not optional but included in the Treaty of accession to the EU, and we are now in a derogation period until...
5 august, 2019
On the occasion of the French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit in August, the public was informed that Romania has „every right” to ask for the accession to Schengen Area and this will happen but after the area will...
17 septembrie, 2017
* GDP growth before and after EU accession Source: World Bank * Romanians registered the largest advance of the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita among the Central and Eastern Europe countries in 2016, compared to 2003, even...
11 septembrie, 2017
Romania’s accession to the OECD is a major goal of the Romanian foreign policy since 2004. After 7 governments at Victoria Palace and 13 years since establishing this objective, during which the OECD has received new members 2...
20 februarie, 2017
  Romanians’ purchasing power returned to the benchmark set for October 1990 with the accession to the European Union. From a level of 93.5% in October 2006, this indicator climbed to 109.6% in October 2007 and exceeded the...
4 ianuarie, 2017


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