
16 iulie, 2024

20 martie, 2017

The reference exchange rate announced Friday by BNR was 4.5654 lei/euro, 0.3% more than the level reached in the previous session and a maximum level for the last four and a half years.

Economists believe that the Romanian economy and the international context would not justify a significant depreciation of the local currency, writes Digi24, adding: However, analysts do not rule out the prospect that the National Bank would not intervene to stop depreciation.

The depreciation started late last year – on 28 December, when the reference rate of 4.5409 lei/euro was the highest for the euro in the last three years.

On 8 March, it has been registered the lowest average exchange rate calculated by BNR in the last almost four years.

We remind that the 2017 state budget was based on a forecast rate of 4.46 lei/euro, considered optimistic by the analysts.

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