
16 iulie, 2024

26 februarie, 2018

Justice Minister Tudorel Toader announced on Thursday evening the initiation of the procedure because of „intolerable deeds in a state based on the rule of law.”

The report, of an unprecedented toughness, which contains formulations explicitly focused against the DNA Chief Prosecutor – both the function and the person – counts 20 „acts and deeds,” as the Minister of Justice has called them. The document has 36 pages.

This is quite unusual for the judiciary in a democracy.

Below, point by point, Minister Toader’s indictment against Laura Kovesi in the Report:

blocking the activity of the Parliament and the Government, by investigations initiated without having constitutional attributions. The examples presented by the minister:

– exceeding the constitutional attributions by investigating how Ordinance 13 was drafted (the one on the decriminalization of the acts of abuse of office and the pardon)

– exceeding the constitutional attributions by investigating the government decisions for „Belina File”, in which Liviu Dragnea has been accused

– failure to comply with the CCR’s decision by refusing to appear before the parliamentary committee investigating the 2009 elections.

-, authoritarian behaviour

– involvement in the investigations run by other prosecutors (repeating the Ordinance 13 example)

– prioritization of the files with impact in media

– contesting or assessing CCR’s decisions

– criticizing the laws on the judiciary, currently under the parliamentary debate

– affecting Romania’s image as she publicly expressed the fear that DNA could be liquidated

– the increase in the number of acquittals and expenses

– the attempt to obtain convictions at any price  

– falsifying the transcription of some phone records

– the delay in solving some causes – Microsoft example

– the non-involvement in the verification of the situation from DNA Prahova and the tolerance regarding the inadequate behaviour of some prosecutors


„The fight against corruption must continue but we must keep what is good and eliminate what is bad,” said the Minister of Justice.

Therefore, Tudorel Toader announced the initiation of procedures for dismissing Laura Codruta Kovesi as the head of DNA – with the request sent to the CSM and the Presidency.

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