
17 iulie, 2024

17 februarie, 2019

Virgil Pirvulescu, Vice President of ANAF at PwC Annual Tax Conference

The National Agency for Tax Administration (ANAF) has identified 487 large and medium-sized companies that are to be audited in order to check estimations on tax risk.

„We have 487 large and medium-sized taxpayers under review, which have estimated risks, and depending on their materialization (at the operative controls) we will decide whether to run tax audits or not. We are working on the risk analysis area,” said Virgil Pirvulescu, ANAF Vice President, at the Annual Tax Conference, organized by PwC on Wednesday.

The ANAF official has contested the „folklore” according to which the institution would only consider big companies. „All people believe that we have something against large taxpayers. This is not true, under no circumstances,” Virgil Pirvulescu said.

ANAF management has selected 250 inspectors across the country to carry out the campaign, launched last month and named „Iceberg Operation”.

„We have selected 50 inspectors who are not employed with the General Directorate for the administration of large taxpayers, another 100 inspectors who are not employees of the General Directorate for the administration of large taxpayers, and another 100 anti-fraud inspectors so that we adapt to general risks. When we refer to Iceberg, we refer to taxpayers who are at the highest risk in our tax records,” said ANAF vice president.

Inspectors would be relocated „based on risk areas, as there are areas around Cluj, Iasi, Constanta, Bucharest, it is not only Bucharest but all the country,” the ANAF official said.

Already „by January 25, the volume of amounts declared has considerably increased, especially in the case of taxpayers who have been subject to operative audits,” said Virgil Pirvulescu.

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