
16 iulie, 2024

unitary pay law

If the PSD-ALDE alliance does not reconsider the measure of transferring all social contributions to the employees, Romania will be the first EU country where employers will no longer contribute to financing the social security system. In the...
9 octombrie, 2017
The Parliament approved on Wednesday the new unitary pay law, but the evolution of the bill from initiation and communication stages to the final vote is not reassuring at all for the taxpayer. The proof stays not only...
12 iunie, 2017
The net wage increases generated by the unitary pay law will be neutralized, at least in the first year, by the transfer to the employee of all social contributions as of 1 January 2018. That means that much...
12 iunie, 2017
A vote. (Photo: Agerpres) The Chamber of Deputies adopted on Wednesday the bill on pay law with 188 votes in favour, 28 against and 47 abstentions. Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu and Minister of Public Finance, Viorel Stefan missed...
11 iunie, 2017
The evolution of the draft unitary pay law on wages for employees from the public sector and the final version of the law passed by Parliament on Wednesday represent a major failure of the PSD – ALDE ruling...
11 iunie, 2017
The Romanian Local Investors Employers (PIAROM) appreciates the public debate initiative on the future unitary pay law in Romania, which is made, says a press release from the organization, „in the context of some distortions generated by the...
30 aprilie, 2017
Increasing discrepancies between the wages in the public and private sectors will broaden inequalities between the two sectors and have serious effects on the labour market and the real economy, warn business community and trade unions leaders and...
23 aprilie, 2017
The Government approved on Thursday an Emergency Ordinance to postpone some measures that would have entered into force on 01 January 2017 and had a significant budgetary impact for the deficit. Some measures have been delayed only for...
19 decembrie, 2016


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