
16 iulie, 2024

rule of law

MEP Siegfried Muresan (PPE / PNL) has submitted this week an amendment to the European Parliament’s interim report on the EU post-2020 multiannual budget and demands EUR 2 billion for projects and actions aimed at strengthening and defending...
22 octombrie, 2018
There are clear signs that the lobbying action launched by the ruling coalition in Brussels in favour of the government in Bucharest will end with a resounding failure. Prime Minister Dancila’s visit to Brussels, meetings with political leaders...
1 octombrie, 2018
Leaders of the political groups in the European Parliament have decided to adopt in October a resolution on the rule of law in Romania. The announcement was made on Thursday by MEP Siegfried Muresan on Facebook: “We have...
17 septembrie, 2018
Senators adopted on Wednesday the draft for amending the Code of Criminal Procedure, by 74 votes for to 28, against. The bill goes to the Chamber of Deputies, which is the decision-making body in this case. The amendments...
18 iunie, 2018
The draft 2021-2027 multiannual budget of the European Union is accompanied by a radical Commission’s initiative on „Strengthening the correlation between EU funds and the rule of law”. Translated in common language, the Commission formulated on Wednesday the...
7 mai, 2018


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