
27 iulie, 2024


Covid is a curse which helps the Romanian economy: it opens no new roads for us but closes the old ones and forces us to build others, in the (hopefully) right direction. However, as the subject of resetting...
1 iunie, 2020
The Businessmen’s Association of Romania (AOAR) asks the ruling coalition to explain the mechanism by which, after changes introduced on Wednesday in the Criminal Code, companies that have won court cases against abuses committed by civil servants will...
9 iulie, 2018
The Coalition for Romania’s Development (CDR) considers that the fiscal-budgetary measures proposed by the new government program – which has a major impact on the Romanian economy – cannot be taken without a public consultation and an analysis...
2 iulie, 2017

The Monkey in its Labyrinth

Covid is a curse which helps the Romanian economy: it opens no new roads for us but closes the old ones and forces us to

The Monkey in its Labyrinth

Covid is a curse which helps the Romanian economy: it opens no new roads for us but closes the old ones and forces us to


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