
16 iulie, 2024


The protest of magistrates from Cluj Napoca. More than 200 prosecutors and judges, with white bands on their arm, came in front of the local courtroom. Prosecutors and judges from dozens of courts in the country protested silently...
3 martie, 2019
The American Chamber of Commerce in Romania (AmCham Romania) rejects the allegations that multinational companies would have encouraged their employees to participate in large protests against the government and politicians who endorsed its measures to amend the Criminal...
12 februarie, 2017
President Klaus Iohannis assured on Tuesday that he does not intend to change in any way the result of the parliamentary elections, asking instead for PSD to govern responsibly. PSD has also the responsibility, says the head of...
12 februarie, 2017
Against the background of protests caused by the Government’s initiative to amend the Criminal Code by emergency ordinance and the call of Frontline Club for brands to cancel advertising budgets that support TV stations that deviate from the...
10 februarie, 2017
Senator Adrian Tutuianu (PSD), Chairman of the Joint Standing Committee for the Exercise of Parliamentary Control over the Activity of the Romanian Intelligent Service (SRI), said he will ask SRI to check the information according to which multinational...
7 februarie, 2017
  UPDATE 13.30: DNA confirmed, adding that it is only about procedural acts carried out following a complaint, as required by law. If the act is not confirmed, the case will close, if there are indications, it will...
5 februarie, 2017


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