
16 iulie, 2024

macroeconomic confidence index

The Romanian Business Leaders (RBL) Macroeconomic Confidence Index, of 52.3 points, shows that the entrepreneurs and executives from the most important businesses in Romania have a level of confidence in the economy very little above neutrality, according to...
5 februarie, 2018
* Macroeconomic confidence index * The macroeconomic confidence index of CFA Romania increased to 60.8 points in April, considerably above the previous month (by 4 points), but still far from the value at which it capped last year...
28 mai, 2017
The index of macroeconomic confidence has declined for the second consecutive month, down to 54.9 points in January 201, of 100 points in total. „The decrease was mainly due to the index of current conditions,” according to the...
26 februarie, 2017


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