
16 iulie, 2024


Romania was among the least affected EU member states in Q2 2020 in terms of temporary layoffs, reduced working hours or job losses, according to the analysis published by Eurostat. The consequences of Covid19 pandemic varied significantly from...
1 noiembrie, 2020
Romania, Hungary and Slovenia are the member states that recorded the largest increase in the share of public sector employees in the total number of employees between 2000 and 2016, according to Eurostat data. At the European Union...
30 iulie, 2018
* Number of employees in the manufacturing industry, trade and hotels and restaurants (Sep 2008, compared to May 2017) * In May 2017, the number of employees in Romania returned to the level recorded at the beginning of...
4 septembrie, 2017
Romania is the European country where the largest number of jobs will be lost following the automation – about 61.93% of the current jobs, draws the attention the National Bank of Romania, in the first Financial Stability Report...
4 iunie, 2017
Romania ranks 12th in the European Top foreign investment by the number of projects started in 2016 and fourth by the number of jobs created by these investments, according to the EY European attractiveness survey 2017. Foreign Direct...
4 iunie, 2017
Almost one billion euros have been taken out from Romania in the past five years, the amount which could have been used to implement many projects, said on Friday Ionut Misa, general director of the Directorate general for...
25 octombrie, 2016


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