
16 iulie, 2024

industrial production

The strong industrial production increase of 3.9% (month/month) and 2.8% (year/year) recorded in March took economic analysts by surprise. BCR had forecast a drop of -0.7% against the same month in 2023. Confidence indicators have improved recently, Eurozone...
21 mai, 2024
Economic activities tend to pick up in the Eurozone and in the European Union after weak results registered at the end of 2023, with Romania recording in the first quarter of 2024 a 0.5% increase against Q4 of...
21 mai, 2024
According to the data communicated by the NIS, in January 2020, Romania registered a new decrease in monthly industrial production, by -2.4% in gross series and -3.1% in adjusted series compared to the same month of the previous...
16 martie, 2020
According to data provided by INS, in November 2019 Romania recorded a new alarming decrease in monthly industrial production at the level of the negative share of -7.7%, the same as in the previous month (compared to which...
19 ianuarie, 2020
Industrial production (gross series) was up 7% in the first two months of 2018 compared to the same period in 2017, following the growth in the manufacturing industry (+ 9.6%) and extractive industry (+ 5.3%), according to a...
16 aprilie, 2018


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