
16 iulie, 2024

impact study

The tax on bank assets, called the „tax on greed” by OUG 114 authors who imposed it, may reduce the economic growth by 0.6-1.1 percentage points, according to the impact study that Florin Georgescu, First Vice-governor of the...
18 martie, 2019
* The concept of family tax within the EU 18 countries do not have the family unit concept In four countries, the concept is optional: Ireland, Germany, Poland, Spain The concept exists only in six countries: Denmark, France,...
29 mai, 2017
The Romanian Local Investors Employers (PIAROM) appreciates the public debate initiative on the future unitary pay law in Romania, which is made, says a press release from the organization, „in the context of some distortions generated by the...
30 aprilie, 2017


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