
16 iulie, 2024


Before analysing the two graphs below, let’s set the coordinates: Expenditures with public sector staff (i.e. state employees) in the 2021 Budget are expected to amount to about RON 110 billion, representing 62% of the total budget. If...
28 februarie, 2021
Sorina Pintea announced on Thursday further new changes that will be brought to the functioning of the health care system, including new rules for employment competitions in hospitals and wage payment for doctors based on performance. New developments...
24 iunie, 2019
Although at first glance it is difficult to draft them, Romania’s public budgets are, in fact, a series of indicators and lists of revenues and expenditures that are not going to have anything to do with the reality....
11 februarie, 2019
Authorities are often dependent on a single vendor or distributor, mainly in the acquisition of software developed on demand and medical devices, is the conclusion of a study by the Competition Council on the captivity effect in public...
23 mai, 2018
Romania is the European country with the lowest spending in the health sector. However, DNA statistics show that the bribe in this field is higher – it can reach 25% of the value of the contracts, as opposed...
14 mai, 2018
Last year, a household spent a monthly average of 4.05 lei for education, 90.71 lei for telephone services and 26.26 lei for health services, according to an INS publication quoted by Agerpres. Other monthly average expenditure per household:...
4 septembrie, 2017
Sacrificing investment in the budget execution of the first two months of the year brings the analysis of the „2017 Country Report – Romania”, issued by the European Commission (EC), back to the forefront. Thus, Romanians’ welfare must...
9 aprilie, 2017
Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is considered an important factor of health and balanced diet. However, an Eurostat report warned that more than one third of the population aged 15 and above in the European Union do...
11 decembrie, 2016
România se află pe ultimele locuri în Europa în ce priveşte sprijinul pe care statul îl acordă pacienţilor care au nevoie de medicamente, conform studiului Organizației pentru Cooperare și Dezvoltare Economică (OECD) Health Data 2010, citat de Mediafax....
7 august, 2012


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