
16 iulie, 2024


The foreign direct investment (FDI) balance in the Romanian economy reached EUR 70,113 million last year, equivalent to slightly more than 41% of the annual GDP. Centralized data, published by the National Bank of Romania show that 70%...
9 octombrie, 2017
Romania ranks second to last among the EU member states in terms of resource productivity in the economy, with only EUR 0.70 per kilogram of raw material used in 2016, according to the data communicated by Eurostat. Surprisingly,...
10 iulie, 2017
The gross average national wage announced by INS for February 2017 was 3,108 lei, by 1.9% below the previous month. The net average national wage was 2,236 lei (-2.8% compared to December 2017). Paradoxically, the gross wage decrease...
15 aprilie, 2017
Who keeps alive the economy, administrative systems, budgets of all kinds – from the investment to pension budget – and ultimately the whole society? The answer to this question – that should be simple: private economy – looks...
13 martie, 2017
Romania is the EU country where house prices fell the most in real terms compared to 2008, according to data presented by Eurostat. The decrease to just 46% in the selling price of housing in 2015 compared to...
19 octombrie, 2016


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