
16 iulie, 2024

EU states

Romania undertook, between 2006 and 2016, the most bizarre policy on public funds of all European countries, according to an analysis released by Eurostat. Starting from the last position in terms of the share of budget revenues in...
18 decembrie, 2017
Although we have been positioned at the forefront of the EU due to our economic growth over the past two years in terms of GDP growth, this notable performance has been achieved while we have a very low...
30 octombrie, 2017
  Romania has positioned itself in the EU as the country with the lowest public revenues as a share of GDP and we shall record in 2017 a new negative record in this respect, with only 30.5% of...
25 septembrie, 2017
Romania ranks second to last among the EU member states in terms of resource productivity in the economy, with only EUR 0.70 per kilogram of raw material used in 2016, according to the data communicated by Eurostat. Surprisingly,...
10 iulie, 2017
The average net earning announced by INS for October 2016 was 2,108 lei, 14 lei or 0.7% higher than the previous month. Expressed in the single European currency, the average net wage was 467 euros or 942 euros,...
14 decembrie, 2016
Romania is the EU country where house prices fell the most in real terms compared to 2008, according to data presented by Eurostat. The decrease to just 46% in the selling price of housing in 2015 compared to...
19 octombrie, 2016


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