
16 iulie, 2024


According to data provided by INS, in November 2019 Romania recorded a new alarming decrease in monthly industrial production at the level of the negative share of -7.7%, the same as in the previous month (compared to which...
19 ianuarie, 2020
Officially published statistical data reveals a massive paradox: Romania is the country that can register a robust year-on-year growth based on a construction sector which is on a downward trend. We chose 2014 as a reference basis for...
25 februarie, 2019
According to the data published by Eurostat, Romania recorded the biggest decline in the gross energy consumption between 1996 and 2016 and the cumulated value over the two decades is -32.4%. The negative rhythm was against the general...
12 februarie, 2018
Romania undertook, between 2006 and 2016, the most bizarre policy on public funds of all European countries, according to an analysis released by Eurostat. Starting from the last position in terms of the share of budget revenues in...
18 decembrie, 2017


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