
16 iulie, 2024


Deputy Catalin Radulescu (foto) received a suspended sentence in 2016 to one year and six months of imprisonment The Legal Committee of the Chamber of Deputies voted on Tuesday a bill that decriminalises some of the corruption offenses...
25 iunie, 2018
„We decided to be much firmer and more radical. My way of having a correct procedural approach in the Parliament proved wrong. In the Parliament, we can no longer talk about adopting through a normal procedure. Any law,...
25 iunie, 2018
Calin Popescu Tariceanu (foto) delivered a very tough speech on Friday, in the Senate, addressed to the European Commission, which he accused of encouraging the „parallel state” in Romania. The attacks were made during the opening speech of...
18 iunie, 2018
Romania is the European country with the lowest spending in the health sector. However, DNA statistics show that the bribe in this field is higher – it can reach 25% of the value of the contracts, as opposed...
14 mai, 2018
MEP Catalin Ivan stated on Friday in Iasi that there are 384 companies with bearer shares in Romania, which gives the owners the comfort of anonymity and the possibility to sign contracts with the state. „There are 384...
18 decembrie, 2017
Liviu Dragnea at the exit of the DNA headquarters where he was expected by a group of supporters and another of protesters. DNA prosecutors have seized the assets of the suspects in the Tel Drum case, including the...
27 noiembrie, 2017
  UPDATE 13.30: DNA confirmed, adding that it is only about procedural acts carried out following a complaint, as required by law. If the act is not confirmed, the case will close, if there are indications, it will...
5 februarie, 2017
After solving the wage increases and amending the Tax Code, the parliamentary majority started the second week of exercising the governance: amending the criminal legislation, especially that part relating to the situation of prosecuted and convicted people. The...
20 ianuarie, 2017


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