
16 iulie, 2024

17 aprilie, 2017

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) launched for public debate six draft government decision for establishing or reorganizing six R&D centres specialised in the field.

The draft legislation reintroduces the subsidies for these centres, after in 2013 it has been decided that they are to use their own revenues to survive, being financed exclusively by contracts, similarly to any commercial entities.

These six pieces of legislation are part of a set of measures designed to stop the decline in the agricultural research, a field with an aging workforce.

According to a report of the Court of Auditors, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences had 1,044 researchers in 2009 and only 467 in 2016.

The draft government decisions are aimed at increasing the efficiency of the R&D activity in these centres and a better commercial use of the research- development results.

It is set out the transfer of the entire staff, where reorganization is appropriate, and new employment is possible only following retirements or exits.

The assets are partially transferred, some of the immovable property being sold.

The six centres:

The Research and Development Centre for Fruit-growing Iasi, Iasi County, will be reorganized by merger by absorption with the Research and Fruit-growing Centre Falticeni, Suceava

The Research and Development Centre for Sheep and Goat Breeding Caransebes

The Research and Development Station for Combating Soil Erosion „Mircea Motoc” Perieni

The Research – Development Centre for Sheep and Goat Breeding Popauti

The Research – Development Centre Vegetable-growing Bacau

The Research and Development Centre for Fruit-growing Bistrita

Effects of underfunding, according to a report of the Court of Auditors:

  • diminished research capability and failure in reaching objectives set
  • serious disturbances in operation
  • reorientation of the research and development to the economic and commercial activity
  • arrears to public budgets and third parties
  • the exit of experienced researchers from the system and failure in replacing them
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