
18 iulie, 2024

4 octombrie, 2016

lazar-comanescuForeign Minister considers replacing the economic attachés. „We need new people to promote Romania’s foreign economic interests,” said Comanescu (foto) on Sunday for Digi24.

„We need to substantially refresh the human resources involved in promoting Romania’s foreign economic interests,” said Minister Lazar Comanescu in the interview during the show „In fata ta” from Digi24.

Asked whether „revival” means replacing the current attachés, the head of diplomacy answered „including that”.

„First, we reconfigure our external representation network with the view of defining the role of the embassy’s economic attaché and the classic promotion of trade,” explained Lazar Comanescu.

Foreign Minister’s statement follows Vice-Prime Minister Costin Borc criticized the fact that people were sent to the external network based on friendship or family relationship. Furthermore, destinations were chosen rather to meet tourist interests.

Minister Lazar Comanescu admitted that he has his own dissatisfaction with the economic attachés’ work and promised that soon will be „the right man at the right place”.

The need for Romania’s diplomatic missions to promote the Romanian economy was also underlined by President Johannis.

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