
14 iulie, 2024

12 martie, 2018

Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, who is aspiring to the position of PSD executive president, promoted the sons of PSD Vaslui and Neamt presidents to government positions.

According to the decisions published in the Official Gazette:

Tudor Buzatu, the son of the PSD leader in Vaslui, Dumitru Buzatu, has been appointed as Secretary of State in the working apparatus of Ana Birchall, who oversees Romania’s strategic partnerships. Deputy Prime Minister Birchall is a member of the Chamber of Deputies, representing PSD Vaslui.

Remus Munteanu, the son of the PSD leader in Neamt, Ioan Munteanu, has been appointed as Secretary of State in the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Ioan Munteanu resigned in January from the Parliament, alleging „health-related reasons”.

His place in the Parliament was taken over by the next person in line on the PSD Neamt election list, Viorel Stan.

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