
16 iulie, 2024

private sector

Romanians are working harder to maintain an increasingly bureaucratic, inefficient and more expensive administrative apparatus – this is the conclusion of an analysis published on INACO on Wednesday. Andreea Paul, chairman of the organization, says the evolution of...
3 septembrie, 2018
At the end of 2016, there were 4,763 million employees in Romania with permanent, full-time contracts, according to the data from the Ministry of Labour. If the expanding employment pace maintains, in 2017 we will reach the record...
1 mai, 2017
The Romanian Local Investors Employers (PIAROM) appreciates the public debate initiative on the future unitary pay law in Romania, which is made, says a press release from the organization, „in the context of some distortions generated by the...
30 aprilie, 2017
Increasing discrepancies between the wages in the public and private sectors will broaden inequalities between the two sectors and have serious effects on the labour market and the real economy, warn business community and trade unions leaders and...
23 aprilie, 2017
The salaries of Romanian civil servants are 56% higher than the national average wage, which makes the ratio between the two the highest in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries – Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria...
31 martie, 2017
Who keeps alive the economy, administrative systems, budgets of all kinds – from the investment to pension budget – and ultimately the whole society? The answer to this question – that should be simple: private economy – looks...
13 martie, 2017
The Minister of Labour Lia Olguta Vasilescu confirmed last week in a TV show that the pension and salary increases will apply in the next four years exactly as they are written in the electoral leaflet of the...
22 februarie, 2017


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