

17 septembrie, 2024



The voting machine of the Chamber of Deputies (decision chamber) approved on Wednesday – 174 votes for, 98 against and 3 abstentions – the Law on the establishment of the Sovereign Development and Investment Fund (FSDI): 33 large...
11 iunie, 2018
The available drafts on the establishment of the Sovereign Development and Investment Fund (FSDI) do not specify the strategy, objectives, management mechanisms or the control mode of the FSDI, the economists asked by warn. These drafts give...
31 iulie, 2017
President Klaus Iohannis announced Tuesday that he signed the two decrees regarding Florian Coldea: the removal from post and placing him in reserve. In his press statement at the Cotroceni Palace, Klaus Iohannis reminded that during these days,...
19 ianuarie, 2017
  The situation of the companies monitored or managed by the State Asset Administration Authority (AAAS) – the successor of former post-communist institutions in charge of privatisation – was most often described by lack of transparency. An unsurprising...
19 decembrie, 2016


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