
16 iulie, 2024


Romania loses EUR 1 billion in the transportation field, money that could have been spent in the 2007-2013 financial period, says the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Cretu. With this amount, between 100 and 200 kilometres of...
15 mai, 2017
During the time since joining the European Union, dividends distributed to foreign investors exceeded EUR 20 billion and interest paid on loans to their local enterprises from Romania have also brought them about EUR 6.5 billion. In almost...
3 ianuarie, 2017
  The situation of the companies monitored or managed by the State Asset Administration Authority (AAAS) – the successor of former post-communist institutions in charge of privatisation – was most often described by lack of transparency. An unsurprising...
19 decembrie, 2016
Total losses of the state companies from the Ministry of Energy’s portfolio stood for the past years to 4.2 billion lei, of which almost 2.8 billion were registered in one year, by only three companies, according to a...
17 octombrie, 2016


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