
16 iulie, 2024

leu depreciation

Analysts’ scenarios on the evolution of the exchange rate are rather prudent for the coming months, but severe for the beginning of the next year and later when the RON/euro rate could even reach 4.85. Erste & BCR...
10 iunie, 2019
The estimates by economists of most important banks in Romania on the depreciation of the local currency for this year range between 4.73 and 4.77 RON/euro. The depreciation of the Romanian Leu in the past few days is...
14 ianuarie, 2019
Romania has a discordant note with the other Central and Eastern European countries (CEE) regarding the economic growth strength in terms of macroeconomic balances. Economic growth in the CEE „maintains strong” in the first quarter of 2018, although...
2 aprilie, 2018


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