
16 iulie, 2024


The protest of magistrates from Cluj Napoca. More than 200 prosecutors and judges, with white bands on their arm, came in front of the local courtroom. Prosecutors and judges from dozens of courts in the country protested silently...
3 martie, 2019
The Minister of Justice stirred up the fury of magistrates. 181 prosecutors and judges sent him a letter criticizing Tudorel Toader for his statements about the Public Ministry. According to Digi 24, magistrates show their support to the...
3 septembrie, 2018
„We decided to be much firmer and more radical. My way of having a correct procedural approach in the Parliament proved wrong. In the Parliament, we can no longer talk about adopting through a normal procedure. Any law,...
25 iunie, 2018
First Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans (photo), announced Thursday in Bucharest that he has established a direct communication line with the Parliament and Government leadership to eliminate any communication problems. „When they have the impression that...
5 martie, 2018
The President of the Supreme Court, Cristina Tarcea, said on Wednesday at the presentation of DNA’s activity report that she would like the recent attacks to not intimidate those who work for serving the justice. In her speech,...
5 martie, 2018


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