
16 iulie, 2024


Romania’s exports amounted to EUR 23 billion in the first three months of the year, 3.7% less than in Q1/2023, while imports fell by 2.3%, to EUR 29.65 billion. However, the general trade balance deficit decreased by 1.5%...
14 mai, 2024
Romania’s big re-launch plan for the next decade places transport infrastructure at the centre of investments, with an allocation of 60% of the total amount. In addition to the money from the European re-launch mechanism, there are also...
21 septembrie, 2020
Data published by Eurostat show that Romania recorded the second highest annual growth rate in imports of non-EU chemicals from 2007 to 2017 (13.1% per year, right after Ireland, with 13.2%, but Ireland had a surplus of EUR...
15 octombrie, 2018
Seven countries concentrate 99% of the deficit that Romania registered in foreign trade exchanges in 2017 – according to provisional data published by the National Institute of Statistics. Surprisingly, while China ranks first, as expected, Hungary holds the...
2 aprilie, 2018
The trade deficit was EUR 12,955.7 million in 2017, 30% higher than in the previous year. Despite a more robust economic growth, the import coverage ratio by exports dropped to just 86.4%, almost at the level of the...
26 februarie, 2018
In the European Union, more than 2.8 million hectares have been allocated to fruit production and other 2.1 million hectares to the production of vegetables. Eurostat has published the profiled rankings, where Romania, the seventh EU country by...
7 august, 2017
The trade deficit for the first quarter of 2017 was EUR 2.32 billion, 18% higher than in the same period of the previous year, according to the INS data. Exports grew at a very good pace (+ 11.5%...
15 mai, 2017
Trade deficit for the first ten months of this year was EUR7,899.8 million, about 23% higher than the same period of last year. The coverage ratio of imports by exports maintained below 90%, level that have been exceeded...
14 decembrie, 2016


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