government bonds

The state plans to attract over RON 40 billion from the population in 2025 through the Tezaur and Fidelis government bonds, relying on the attractive interest rates these instruments have in comparison with the main „competitor” represented by...
30 ianuarie, 2025
Romanians’ financial assets, namely the deposits, cash, bonds, shares and investment funds they own, amounted to 30% of GDP in 2023. Although the percentage is small even in comparison to the region, it still seems significant enough to...
10 octombrie, 2024
Romania is currently at its all-time peak of wellbeing, with the highest GDP/capita compared to the European average and with an actual individual consumption exceeding that of Spain. The results are plainly visible – while statistics show that,...
8 iulie, 2024
The yield of long-term Romanian government bonds was 4.28% in January 2020, according to Eurostat data. That is well above all the other states of the European Union and far from the European average of just 0.51% in...
24 februarie, 2020
Minister of Public Finance (MFP), Eugen Orlando Teodorovici, has ordered to stop borrowing operations on the market because MFF would have all the money needed in the treasury to ensure financing on at least six months. „Yesterday (Monday,...
4 februarie, 2019
The Ministry of Finance (MFP) has only managed to sell five-year government bonds amounted to RON 110 million out of the RON 400 million issued on the primary market on Monday, at an average yield of 4.73%. The...
28 ianuarie, 2019
The benchmark government bond yield jumped above the 5% threshold on Thursday. The Ministry of Public Finance (MFP) attracted RON 300 million from banks on Thursday at an average yield of 5.33% per year through a bond issue...
10 decembrie, 2018
  The volume of government credit has increased about 10 times over the last 10 years, and the share in total banking investment in Romania has increased almost 5 times, according to data from the National Bank of...
2 iulie, 2018
September 2016: The market yield of 10-year Romanian government bonds was 2.97%. Very good situation: yield was lower by two-hundredths percent (2 basis points, bps) than Hungarian bonds. Long-term Romanian government loans were only 7 bps more expensive...
23 aprilie, 2018
The Ministry of Finance is trying to take advantage of the still favourable conditions for emerging government securities and goes on the Eurobonds market with two issues, one with a maturity of 12 years and the second of...
5 februarie, 2018
The total volume of loans planned by the Ministry of Finance (MFP) for 2018 amounts to about RON 74 billion. Loans are to be secured by government bonds, not by „contracting any loan from international financial institutions or...
29 ianuarie, 2018
The Ministry of Finance (MFP) placed euro bonds worth EUR 1 billion on the foreign market by reopening the issue with the maturity of 10 years launched in April this year. The issue has been placed with a...
16 octombrie, 2017


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