
16 iulie, 2024


The GDP 2020 estimate has been reduced for the third time in a row in the so-called Preliminary Autumn Forecast for the budget amendment published by the specialised National Commission. From an economic result of RON 1,141.4 billion...
23 noiembrie, 2020
Analysts’ scenarios on the evolution of the exchange rate are rather prudent for the coming months, but severe for the beginning of the next year and later when the RON/euro rate could even reach 4.85. Erste & BCR...
10 iunie, 2019
  Romania’s economy will record an advance of 3.5% in 2019 and 3.1% in 2020, down one percentage point from June 2018 forecast, according to the January edition of Global Economic Prospects biannual report, published Tuesday evening in...
14 ianuarie, 2019


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