
26 iulie, 2024

fiscal policy

September 2016: The market yield of 10-year Romanian government bonds was 2.97%. Very good situation: yield was lower by two-hundredths percent (2 basis points, bps) than Hungarian bonds. Long-term Romanian government loans were only 7 bps more expensive...
23 aprilie, 2018
Romania is captive of tax and wage policies that are hostile to long-term sustainable development. One of the most striking arguments is the very large amplitude of GDP deviations from the potential, resulting from a pro-cyclical policy which...
23 aprilie, 2018
The National Bank of Romania (BNR) revised the annual inflation rate (CPI) forecast at the end of 2018, from 3.2% to 3.5%, and projected a level of 3.1% for December 2019. And the estimates for the first two...
12 februarie, 2018


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