
16 iulie, 2024


The pandemic has significantly changed the consumption habits but also the saving habits of Romanians, according to the INS data analysed by The saving rate registered a record increase in 2020 and the average of the first...
17 ianuarie, 2021
Relatively recently joined the functional market economies club, although it has multiple pending development (not just economic) issues, Romania looked around and chose a poisonous mix of reduced incomes in terms of GDP share, specific to the Anglo-Saxon...
20 mai, 2019
The general consolidated budget recorded, after the first two months of 2019, a deficit of about RON 5.5 billion, equivalent to 0.54% of the GDP estimated for the current year. This result is weaker than in the same...
6 mai, 2019
  Rising incomes have fuelled consumption and, implicitly, the economic growth in recent years, but not the savings. Although a large proportion of the population is concerned about the living standards, too few choose to allocate a percentage...
15 octombrie, 2018
Data released by the INS for the first quarter of 2018 show that households’ living standards increased considerably compared to the same quarter of the previous year, about five times more than the GDP growth (+ 20.3% per...
21 iulie, 2018
  Romania has positioned itself in the EU as the country with the lowest public revenues as a share of GDP and we shall record in 2017 a new negative record in this respect, with only 30.5% of...
25 septembrie, 2017


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