
16 iulie, 2024

European Union

Romanians are among those with a high degree of savings of the eight countries in Central and Eastern Europe (Hungary, the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia and Romania), being surpassed only by Austria, according to a...
26 iunie, 2024
Eurostat made a comparison between three indicators used in establishing the standard of living in 36 European countries: GDP per capita and the level of Actual Individual Consumption (AIC) balanced by the relative level of prices. Thus, in 2023, Luxembourg...
23 iunie, 2024
National Bank of Moldova (NBM) governor, Anca Dragu, stated in an interview for Agerpres that the Republic of Moldova has become one of the favorite destinations of foreign investors, in the context of joining the EU. “Those who...
21 martie, 2024
Half of Romanians estimate that the USA has the strongest army worldwide, while 28.8% believe China does. Regarding Russia, in 2021, one third of Romanians considered this country to have the strongest army, while the latest survey by...
16 martie, 2024
Romania’s resident population decreased between the last censuses – from the one in 2011 to the one in 2022 – by over a million people, but what is worse is that the drop is registered almost entirely among...
7 martie, 2024
The economy of the European Union recorded in the second quarter of 2019 the worst evolution of the last five years, with a quarterly increase reduced (for the first time) to only 0.2% and a growth in annual...
12 august, 2019
The European Commission asks Romania to urgently align the system of taxes collected on the car registration to the European one. The request is announced on Thursday as part of May infringement “package”. According to the Commission’s release:...
23 mai, 2018
The Berlin Think Tank European Council of Foreign Relations (ECFR) published the 2018 edition of the EU Cohesion Monitor – an analysis of the cohesion of the 28 EU members. From a European perspective, Italy is the most...
12 februarie, 2018
As expected, the publication, on 1 March 2017, of the „White Paper on the future of Europe” signed by the European Commission President, Jean – Claude Juncker, has sparked much debate. Unfortunately, most standpoints in the Romanian public...
6 martie, 2017


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