
16 iulie, 2024


Some of the amendments to the criminal codes will generate mistrust regarding Romanian state’s ability to ensure the legality, stability and predictability of business relationships and may expose many companies to an insolvency risk, warns the Foreign Investors...
27 noiembrie, 2018
The Council of Economic Programming (CPE), a seven-member body established one year ago having the same chairman as the National Commission for Strategy and Prognosis (CNSP), proposed the increase in the minimum wage as of November 1, from...
29 octombrie, 2018
The Businessmen’s Association of Romania (AOAR) asks the ruling coalition to explain the mechanism by which, after changes introduced on Wednesday in the Criminal Code, companies that have won court cases against abuses committed by civil servants will...
9 iulie, 2018
The buoyant fiscal changes in Romania left almost unnoticed the European debates on profit taxation that are very important for both companies and the public budget. Adopted in March 2018 by a resolution of the European Parliament, the...
23 aprilie, 2018
  Interest rates on the interbank market (ROBOR) recorded this week the fastest growth in the past three years after banks’ expectations have led to a decline in liquidity on the market. However, the temporary drop in liquidity...
2 octombrie, 2017
Although they will weigh heavily only after 2019, when the exit of the UK from the European Union will have effectively completed, the effects of Brexit on Romania, as on the other Central and Eastern European countries are...
27 martie, 2017
The exit of UK from the European Union, abbreviated Brexit, will cause a decrease of the EU’s GDP of about one-sixth but significantly increase the surplus of the EU trade balance. According to Eurostat, in current prices, the...
24 ianuarie, 2017


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