
16 iulie, 2024

draft law

The PSD-ALDE coalition’s amendments to the application of the corporate governance rules in the state-owned companies were approved by 157 votes in favour, 71 against and 4 abstentions on Wednesday, in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies,...
27 decembrie, 2017
The Government is trying to speed up the implementation of the offshore oil operations. There is a bill at SGG that assures companies having oil and gas concessions in the Black Sea that they will have the same...
11 septembrie, 2017
Eight months after the initial announcement on the establishment of a Sovereign Development and Investment Fund – a measure included in the government program adopted by the Parliament in January 2017 – the Ministry of Finance launched on...
4 septembrie, 2017
The available drafts on the establishment of the Sovereign Development and Investment Fund (FSDI) do not specify the strategy, objectives, management mechanisms or the control mode of the FSDI, the economists asked by warn. These drafts give...
31 iulie, 2017
The state expenses on public sector wages will reach 12% of GDP in 2022, which means half of the revenues collected to the state budget, according to the bill on the pay system, said Ionut Dumitru, Chairman of...
17 aprilie, 2017
The draft law for amending the criminal codes will not include any minimum value threshold for the crime of abuse of office, and another draft will introduce into the national legislation the European Directive on the extended confiscation,...
10 aprilie, 2017
A total of 23 liberal MPs have initiated a draft law for transposing the Council Directive 2016/1164 laying down rules against tax avoidance practices. The project basically provides for the taxation in Romania of the profits made by...
28 octombrie, 2016


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