
16 iulie, 2024


Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced on Monday that he has signed with his French counterpart, Jean Castex, the roadmap on the partnership between Romania and France for next 4 years, which aims at strengthening the cooperation in the...
1 noiembrie, 2020
Defence Secretary Dr. Mark T. Esper met on Thursday at the Pentagon with Romanian National Defence Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciuca and the two signed a „defence cooperation roadmap” for 10 years. At the end of the meeting, Minister Nicolae...
11 octombrie, 2020
The situation of the salary rights in the Ministry of National Defence was the one that officially caused the resignation of Minister Adrian Tutuianu. Blocked in the controversy of financial resources available for paying the military wages, various...
17 septembrie, 2017
Key points: The question is not whether Romania’s ambiguous foreign policy, pro-American and pro-European, is correct and should be continued, for any lucid and minimally prepared mind can confirm this, but whether in the long run there might...
15 iunie, 2017
The Chief of the Military Staff, General Nicolae Ciuca (photo), announced in a press conference on Thursday that Romania intends to buy American missiles Patriot, announced Mediafax newswire. The State Secretary in the Ministry of National Defence, Florin...
23 aprilie, 2017
The most recent version of the draft state budget discussed on Friday by the Government, which is also to be analysed by CSAT on the national defence component, relies on estimated revenues of 117,087 billion lei, by 600 million...
31 ianuarie, 2017
Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos announced Thursday at Europa FM that the Economy and Defence ministries are in advanced talks with the German company Rheinmetall to build an armoured personnel carrier in Romania. Romania can produce 8 × 8...
20 noiembrie, 2016
An area that does not feels – thank God – the electoral politics. In an interview for, Defense Minister Mihnea Motoc speaks about the implementation against the clock of the decisions taken by NATO at the summit...
4 octombrie, 2016
President Klaus Johannis said on Tuesday at the end of CSAT that the multinational brigade agreed at NATO summit in Warsaw, in July, will operate at Craiova and will be based on the Infantry Brigade II “Rovine”. The...
28 septembrie, 2016


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