
16 iulie, 2024

construction sector

Although the construction sector was particularly dynamic over the past year owing to engineering works on transport infrastructure which accelerated by virtue of European and national funds, the activity in other subsectors simply collapsed. For instance, residential building...
2 aprilie, 2024
According to data from the National Institute of Statistics from the Structural Survey on enterprises active in industry construction, trade and market services, trade activities remain the most profitable in terms of productivity measured as Gross Value Added...
12 februarie, 2024
Post-pandemic years are characterized by economies’ efforts to recover after the fall in 2020 and 2021, as well as by governments’ determination to make up for lost time and the funds swallowed by the health crisis. The evolution...
29 ianuarie, 2024
Officially published statistical data reveals a massive paradox: Romania is the country that can register a robust year-on-year growth based on a construction sector which is on a downward trend. We chose 2014 as a reference basis for...
25 februarie, 2019


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