
16 iulie, 2024

Bucharest Stock Exchange

On Wednesday, Bucharest hosted the forum “Moldova – Romania: capital Bridges”, attended by the prime ministers of the two countries, the governor of the National Bank of Moldova, Anca Dragu, other high-ranking officials, heads of capital and financial markets regulation...
28 martie, 2024
The main index of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), BET, registered the second highest increase in the European Union (8.5%) in the first nine months of the year. On the other hand, the local stock exchange continues to...
5 noiembrie, 2018
The season of dividends starts also in 2018 strongly stimulated by the government memorandum that forces state-owned companies to allocate „at least” 90% of their 2017 profits to dividends. On the other hand, energy companies have investment plans...
5 martie, 2018
The dividends proposed to stockholders by the management of the companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) are very likely to place Romania also this year at the top of the world ranking of the yields of...
23 aprilie, 2017
The tensions hidden by Romania’s economic growth in 2016 (4.8%) are visible in the results of the 20 largest Romanian companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE), according to their data reported to the stock exchange. The...
27 februarie, 2017
The Romanian capital market needs to meet only one more criterion, out of nine, in order to be promoted from frontier market to emerging market status, according to Lucian Anghel, President of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE). The...
4 februarie, 2017


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