
16 iulie, 2024


Minister of National Defence, Mihai Fifor, participates Friday at the signing of the procurement contract for 227 Piranha V armoured carriers, a release of the ministry announces. On November 29, 2017, the Romanian Government adopted the decision that...
15 ianuarie, 2018
The situation of the salary rights in the Ministry of National Defence was the one that officially caused the resignation of Minister Adrian Tutuianu. Blocked in the controversy of financial resources available for paying the military wages, various...
17 septembrie, 2017
The Defence Minister Gabriel Les (photo), listed Tuesday during the presentation of the activity report of MApN the projects for equipping the army considered priorities, of which the naval component has disappeared – the corvettes that the Romanian...
5 martie, 2017
An area that does not feels – thank God – the electoral politics. In an interview for, Defense Minister Mihnea Motoc speaks about the implementation against the clock of the decisions taken by NATO at the summit...
4 octombrie, 2016
Ministerul Apărării Naţionale (MApN) va înfiinţa două filiale ale Companiei Naţionale Romtehnica, din subordinea sa, pentru a oferi asigura serviciile de pază şi de catering pentru unităţile Armatei, a declarat ministrul Gabriel Oprea, într-un interviu publicat marţi de...
25 octombrie, 2011


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