
16 iulie, 2024

public administration

Hourly labour costs had increased by 14.29% in the fourth quarter of last year, in gross terms, compared to the same period in 2016, according to data announced by INS. It is more than double the currently estimated...
12 martie, 2018
The share of financial commitments by public administrations remained, between 2015 and Q1 2017, at the same level of 45.2% of GDP, according to the most recent report on the administrations’ financial accounts issued by the National Bank...
17 iulie, 2017
The salaries of Romanian civil servants are 56% higher than the national average wage, which makes the ratio between the two the highest in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries – Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria...
31 martie, 2017
The emergency ordinance by which Grindeanu government will increase some wages of the employees from the public service (salaries in administration, culture) will have a budget impact of – 5.13 billion lei in 2017, according to the draft...
8 ianuarie, 2017
With the 51 (plus the one that is now preparing, 52) strategies for Romania’s development prepared in the last decade – all made in detail – one thing is clear: we have no „luck” in strategies! In the...
16 noiembrie, 2016


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