
16 iulie, 2024


Romania’s internal development divergence has resumed its post-pandemic growth, after having started to decrease in 2019.Despite policies to fight the difference in development among Romania’s region, inasmuch as stated at least, the economic center of gravity is shifting...
16 februarie, 2024
The pandemic has significantly changed the consumption habits but also the saving habits of Romanians, according to the INS data analysed by The saving rate registered a record increase in 2020 and the average of the first...
17 ianuarie, 2021
The execution of the general consolidated budget in the first eight months of 2020 registered a deficit of RON 54.77 billion (5.18% of GDP, an increase by half a percentage point of GDP compared to July), of which...
5 octombrie, 2020
Budgetary and institutions’ operational constraints generated by the pandemic have subjected the Romanian tax system to significant tensions, which proved its limits, notes the international audit and consulting firm Mazars, in a regional study on tax frameworks in...
20 iulie, 2020


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