
16 iulie, 2024

miguel arias canete

The European Commission will sue Romania at the European Court of Justice if the Parliament in Bucharest adopts the amendments to the Emergency Ordinance 64/2016 on the natural gas sector, the European Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete said...
5 martie, 2018
Romania risks the infringement procedure if the Parliament adopts definitive amendments to the Emergency Ordinance 64/2017 on the natural gas market, which provides for the trading of 70% of its volume only on the state-controlled OPCOM market. The...
16 octombrie, 2017
Comisia Juncker pare să aibă probleme la jumătatea audierilor membrilor ei. După gestul fără precedent al Parlamentului European de a-i solicita comisarului britanic, Jonathan Hill, de a se prezenta la o nouă audiere săptămâna viitoare şi de a-i...
2 octombrie, 2014


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