
16 iulie, 2024


The plenum of the Chamber of Deputies decided on Wednesday to resend the Offshore Law to committees after a seemingly surprising request of UDMR leader Kelemen Hunor (photo). The draft had passed on Tuesday the Industry, Budget and...
8 octombrie, 2018
The Minister of Justice stirred up the fury of magistrates. 181 prosecutors and judges sent him a letter criticizing Tudorel Toader for his statements about the Public Ministry. According to Digi 24, magistrates show their support to the...
3 septembrie, 2018
The member organizations of the Coalition for Romania’s Development (CDR) urge the Government that the reform of ANAF should become one of the „top” priorities of the Romanian state. As the institution „does not have the internal drive...
18 februarie, 2018
Foto: Valdis Dombrovskis (left) and Pierre Moscovici The Vice-President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis and the Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici sent the Minister of Finance, Viorel Stefan, a letter stating that by the...
5 martie, 2017


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