
16 iulie, 2024

investment fund

The Government adopted on Thursday the ordinance that provides for the general framework for the establishment of a Sovereign Fund. Later, after new talks with ALDE coalition partners, Social Democrats will also impose a government decision to establish...
19 noiembrie, 2018
The extension of the memorandum between the Romanian state and KazMunaiGaz, the owner of the Rompetrol Group, will be discussed only after the company’s historical debt will be paid to the state and the case settled in court,...
20 noiembrie, 2017
Eight months after the initial announcement on the establishment of a Sovereign Development and Investment Fund – a measure included in the government program adopted by the Parliament in January 2017 – the Ministry of Finance launched on...
4 septembrie, 2017
Romanian authorities have agreed on the deal by which China Energy Company Limited (CEFC) took over 51% of the KazMunayGas International shares (KMGI, former Rompetrol Group), according to a report of Rompetrol Rafinare (RRC) sent to the Bucharest...
31 iulie, 2017


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