GDP per capita

Romania is a regional leader in terms of actual individual consumption (AIC) per capita, in purchasing power standards (pps, adjusted to prices), an indicator widely used to evaluate the material well-being of households. This occurrence is a result...
8 ianuarie, 2025
The number of employees in Bucharest reached 1,093,506 in June this year, that is, 19% of the total 5,754,304 active employees in Romania worked in the capital, according to NIS and MLSP data analyzed by CursDeGuvernare. In the...
12 august, 2024
Eurostat made a comparison between three indicators used in establishing the standard of living in 36 European countries: GDP per capita and the level of Actual Individual Consumption (AIC) balanced by the relative level of prices. Thus, in 2023, Luxembourg...
23 iunie, 2024
Romania’s internal development divergence has resumed its post-pandemic growth, after having started to decrease in 2019.Despite policies to fight the difference in development among Romania’s region, inasmuch as stated at least, the economic center of gravity is shifting...
16 februarie, 2024
Romania’s economy exceeded, at current prices in euros, Portugal’s economy in 2018, a country with a population and a surface two times smaller as Romania. As a result of Romania’s economic growth of 4.1% last year, GDP rose...
24 martie, 2019
Romania has reached 61% of the average living standard in the EU 28 in 2016, according to the actual individual consumption indicator (AIC), the latest data released by Eurostat shows. The gap between this indicator and GDP per...
27 decembrie, 2017
* GDP growth before and after EU accession Source: World Bank * Romanians registered the largest advance of the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita among the Central and Eastern Europe countries in 2016, compared to 2003, even...
11 septembrie, 2017
Only in three sectors from Romania, the wages reached the level allowed by the GDP in euro related to the market prices, according to a study by Eurostat for all member states based on the data become final...
27 ianuarie, 2017
  While the government programs of parties competing for the Parliament focus on tax cuts, after 2 years of tax cuts, policies for internal convergence are lacking. The state’s intervention to stimulate development, replaced with the politics for...
30 noiembrie, 2016
Romania became the tenth EU economy by purchasing power parity adjusted GDP, according to data published by Eurostat. Over the past decade, our country surpassed, based on this indicator, countries like Greece (passing through a deep public debt...
17 octombrie, 2016


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