Financing Romania: How we got apart from Hungary and Poland in terms of loan costs
September 2016: The market yield of 10-year Romanian government bonds was 2.97%. Very good situation: yield was lower by two-hundredths percent (2 basis points, bps)
September 2016: The market yield of 10-year Romanian government bonds was 2.97%. Very good situation: yield was lower by two-hundredths percent (2 basis points, bps)
Yields of the Romanian securities have rapidly increased following the political chaos, the reaction of the society and the uncertainties underlying the budget that
September 2016: The market yield of 10-year Romanian government bonds was 2.97%. Very good situation: yield was lower by two-hundredths percent (2 basis points, bps)
Yields of the Romanian securities have rapidly increased following the political chaos, the reaction of the society and the uncertainties underlying the budget that