
27 iulie, 2024


Some facts – or what we call “Hypothesis” in Mathematics  *  What EU is in the global economic and technological competition *  The sex of angels and its social regulation  *  A new ideology for destructuring the European...
17 iulie, 2020
Sorina Pintea announced on Thursday further new changes that will be brought to the functioning of the health care system, including new rules for employment competitions in hospitals and wage payment for doctors based on performance. New developments...
24 iunie, 2019
The European Commission has approved on Monday the acquisition of Italian company Ilva by ArcelorMittal. The decision is conditional on the disposal of several assets owned by Arcelor in Europe to preserve the competition on the EU steel...
14 mai, 2018
The new Minister of Education, Pavel Nastase, changed one of the principles of the competition organised for principals from secondary school. Principals and deputies who did not take or failed the exam for the positions are allowed to...
10 ianuarie, 2017


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