
16 iulie, 2024

average national wage

In terms of tax framework, Romania attractive in the EU if we look at the tax rates but from the perspective of people who work, things are not favourable compared to the rest of Europe. The non-governmental think...
24 iulie, 2017
The degree of labour force professionalisation in Romania has declined so much that the Romanian economy is heading toward an acute crisis on the market, according to a KeysFin analysis. Statistics indicate that the number of vacancies almost...
7 mai, 2017
The gross average national wage announced by INS for February 2017 was 3,108 lei, by 1.9% below the previous month. The net average national wage was 2,236 lei (-2.8% compared to December 2017). Paradoxically, the gross wage decrease...
15 aprilie, 2017


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